Sarah hamilton's Blog

This is where you'll find my musings on Gratitude, Inspiration, Stillness and Awe…. "Transform your thoughts, transform your life"

Finding Balance…. June 6, 2011

Over the last few months I have been working on finding balance between 2 careers.  Phew! Coaching and Acting. More than 2 full-time careers. I shot a pilot (not literally people! A television pilot called STAFF) and got new headshots, working on 2 websites, 2 different kinds of voice-over demos, meetings with agents, clients, and more than I can think of at the moment.  All of which makes me very very happy, but…. and there’s a big but, not attached to my thighs mind you (don’t I wish!) …. but finding a balance is tough!

How do we go about working, down time, quite time, and loving? How does one follow the path of one career when another out of the blue begins to take off?  What I get out of all of this and from my meditations is to TRUST.  Follow the path before me.  Hear what is at hand and to not forget to ask for help?  Ohhhhh right….. ask for help.  That’s a big one.  And letting go of what is not serving me…. That’s a topic for another post.  Gotta run to acupuncture!

Love and Pink Light
