Sarah hamilton's Blog

This is where you'll find my musings on Gratitude, Inspiration, Stillness and Awe…. "Transform your thoughts, transform your life"

Each day is a gift! April 21, 2014

©Sarah Hamilton


Each day is a gift… Right now is all we will ever have.  We all know the expression, “The past is history, the future is a mystery and now is a gift.  That’s why it is called the present!”  How are you going to embrace the moment?  Valuing the moment in whatever guise it shows up to you is not always easy… But if we look at it in just 3 ways we can.

When you’re in the moment you can accept it, enjoy it or be enthusiastic about it.  These 3 states of being I learned from Eckart Tolle and they really shifted my reality.  The alternatives simply create struggle…  Let’s just say someone is yelling at you… Do you want to fight or defend yourself?  All of that creates struggle… By allowing them their “stuff” and knowing the Truth about who you are leads to the acceptance of  what is happening and you can walk away with out harm and ill feelings. Then there is the enjoyment of the moment which we all can choose at any moment in time but my favorite is the Enthusiasm of the moment!

I made a choice with my life a long time ago not to struggle with time, space or people.  It has taken a lot of work for me to get here… people, health diagnoses and the simple choice of wanting something better. The idea, that if we struggle or fight with a given thing or situation that’s all we will ever have.  What do you want?  What kind of quality of life do you choose? And, the big one… How willing are you to do the work that it takes to let go of the all the stuff?

Our lives truly are gift of spectacular opportunity.  What are you going to do with it?



So much Love and Pink Light today!



Random Acts Of Kindness! December 5, 2012


Ross and Frances Hamilton on their 50th Wedding Anniversary 2012


As some of you may know it was my parents 50th wedding anniversary a few weeks ago and I wanted to share a story with you.  We had a big party for them a week before their day due to the fact that their anniversary was on Thanksgiving weekend.  Dear family and friends were around to celebrate.  We even reinacted a photograph that was taken on their wedding day.  So on the actual day they decided they wanted to go out to a special dinner at a lovely local restaurant.  It was a special experience where the chef came out to chat with them to see how they were enjoying their meal.  And of course my parents ended up chatting with the lovely couple next to them.  My parents are like me and chat with whomever engages them.  You know the kind of people who say “Good morning!”  as they pass people during their morning.  Well… in this instance when my father went to pay the bill my parents found out that this amazing couple next to them had taken care of it, including the tip!!!!  When they told me this it literally brought tears to my eyes due to the unconditional kindness two strangers had shown my parents.

O.K…..So this got me thinking… How do you give back or express random acts of kindness (R.A.O.K)?  I’m a Huge fan of R.A.O.K!!  I do it as often as I think of it.  Whether it’s buying a meal for a homeless person, paying for the car behind me at the toll booth (yes I don’t have easy pass) or  Knitting for Hurricane Sandy relief…. Whatever it might be for you.  I also love the kind of kindness where it isn’t about you.  You give and let that be.  You don’t announce it to the world you just do it so that someone else feels loved!  When we give unconditionally your kindness to others reflects back on you.  By being kind to another you are being kind to yourself.  We live in a world that has a easier time looking at what’s not good… So why don’t we focus on what is Good.


Scan 1

Ross and Frances Hamilton on their wedding day 1962

By being kind to another you are being kind to yourself and this reflects out on the world.  So let’s get together and start a R.A.O.K campaign! What will you be doing this week to give other!!  I invite you to share what you are doing!!


Lots of Love




Being Alone… October 7, 2012

In the past few weeks the topic of being “alone” has been a big one!  There is a difference from being alone vs. lonely.  We all have moments through out our lives when we feel lonely but alone is very different matter. I’ve been known to say, “You can’t find the love of your life until you become the love of your life.” If we feel alone and do everything we can to avoid our own company we won’t be very good company for someone else.  And in turn if you are entering a relationship so that you don’t have to be alone then you are not at your optimal….  Which is 2 people coming together at their greatest so that they can grow together.  Because of this I am re-posting a blog post from 2010.

Here is a video that has recently gone viral on Facebook. I immediately feel in love with it!!!!! When I started to listen to it I recognized the voice as Tanya Davis’ who also created another über favorite of mine “ART”….. Take a look-see.



Lots of Love!



#TheLoveProject May 6, 2012

Last week I started a new hashtag group on Twitter and Face book with my clients and friends.  It is The Love Project! It’s a place were you can write about all the things that you love and make you happy! Because as you know I am a fan of the expression, “That which you focus on you have more of”  So why not focus on LOVE!  I’m sure you all have moments were you grouse and groan but as we know that doesn’t make the uncomfortable situation go away.  And it may temporarily make you fell better but why not change it completely? Shift your thinking in that moment to what it is that you want, like or love!

So here’s how it works… Every time you see, hear, feel, think of, or sense something that you love, Say it out loud for the world to hear or in this case read so it becomes greater! Write it on my Facebook wall or tweet it to me @ThatHamilton For when you start to focus on love more regularly the other stuff will pale in comparison!

Join in on the Love at #theloveproject!




Each day is a gift! April 22, 2012

©Sarah Hamilton

Each day is a gift… Right now is all we will ever have.  We all know the expression, “The past is history, the future is a mystery and now is a gift.  That’s why it is called the present!”  How are you going to embrace the moment?  Valuing the moment in whatever guise it shows up to you is not always easy… But if we look at it in just 3 ways we can.

When you’re in the moment you can accept it, enjoy it or be enthusiastic about it.  These 3 states of being I learned from Eckart Tolle and they really shifted my reality.  The alternatives simply create struggle…  Let’s just say someone is yelling at you… Do you want to fight or defend yourself?  All of that creates struggle… By allowing them their “stuff” and knowing the Truth about who you are leads to the acceptance of  what is happening and you can walk away with out harm and ill feelings. Then there is the enjoyment of the moment which we all can choose at any moment in time but my favorite is the Enthusiasm of the moment!

I made a choice with my life a long time ago not to struggle with time, space or people.  It has taken a lot of work for me to get here… people, health diagnoses and the simple choice of wanting something better. The idea that if we struggle or fight with a given thing or situation that is all we will ever have.  What do you want?  What kind of quality of life do you choose? And, the big one… How willing are you to do the work that it takes to let go of the all the stuff?

Our lives truly are gift of spectacular opportunity.  What are you going to do with it!


So much Love and Pink Light today!



Walking the Talk… March 14, 2012

On the Beach

© Joe Snow

I’m regularly conscious of “walking the talk”.  I chose to live in integrity but that said it isn’t always that easy. Like everyone I can get caught up in life and what it’s can bring.  Also when I  say one thing and do another it seems inauthentic to me. Like I say that I have meditated for 25 years yet I know that for the last week I didn’t sit at all.  My buttons get pushed like anyone.

So the question is what do I do when I’m challenged? Take my time… stay in the moment. Breathe. I ultimately ask myself what am I frightened of so that I can let it go and then stand in my Truth.  I allow the feelings to be what they are so that I can see if they are really true or just my mind working over time.  Byron Katie has a wonderful series of questions to ask yourself so that you can shift out of these catabolic thoughts.  I believe my reason for being on the planet is to learn to be as unconditionally loving not only to others but to myself as well.  Because if we do we learn to set healthy boundaries all around.  I also believe that there is no end to what we do and how we live… there is no finish line so what’s the rush?

Take your time… breathe… and know that there’s no rush in an authentic life.  Hence what we say and do are 2 very similar actions!


Are you walking your talk?




10 Steps to a Healthy Relationship! January 6, 2012

I have been organizing a Free Tele-Seminar, “10 Steps to a Healthy Relationship!”.  I’m getting excited the closer I get to the date!  The sharing of time with loving people to expand their already innate knowledge.  We all have arrived on this planet with everything we need to be the most unconditionally loving people we can be.  And to constantly continue are path to further expansion and knowledge is an exciting idea to me. People coming together to share in a collective idea based in Love really makes me kvell!

I have organized 10 steps triggered by my 3 focal points.  My favorite of which is: “Continue to foster the love for yourself.  For when you can love yourself, flaws and all you can love your partner more completely for who they are.”  And I really mean ALL your flaws… Think about it How often do you look in the mirror and “pick” at yourself? For that fact look at others and pick at them?  By being as gentle as you can, this helps to facillitate internal and external love. Also we  all get wrapped up in the daily rig-a-ma-roll that we sometimes forget to care for ourselves… and in turn our partner.  What can you do to care for yourself? To take time….? To breathe..

I look forward to talking with you all!

Love and Pink Light



Being Uncomfortable… November 2, 2011

Sometimes when we love someone intimately we become uncomfortable… Love isn’t always an easy thing to do.  It pushes buttons if we are meant to grow.  I use the taffy example on a regular basis: We are like taffy which must be pulled and stretched in order to become the yummy, multi-faceted result.  Love can do that to us.  If we allow ourselves to be unconditionally loving we learn to trust ourselves and love ourselves first.  We then are able to love others in kind.  When those pesky buttons get pushed we are given the opportunity to look at what they are truly about and then determine what healthy choice to make going forward.  We are not at the effect of our life but we then become the cause of it.  Make conscious healthy choices to help both you and your partner.  No one wants to be a victim of circumstance so acknowledge where your fears are coming from and proceed lovingly and gently.

You’re also given the opportunity to talk to your partner about your feelings. What may be coming up for you and why.  We know that people can’t make us feel anything that we don’t allow.  So proceed gently and above all unconditionally loving towards yourself and your partner.  Once we truly allow another in we are able to grow even more!! How wonderful is that!!

Love and Pink Light



Who of you… January 7, 2011

I have written before about the Zen Buddhist word Mehta or Maitri the words for unconditional love for one’s self. The meditation practice is a practice of loving kindness. It starts with someone who is the easiest to love, then it shifts to oneself and then moves out to the person who is the most difficult to love. So then with great practice even if you were say, being robbed you would still have great loving kindness for the robber.

These thoughts lead me to the thought of how do we cultivate the most loving, compassionate, passionate relationship on this 3rd dimensional planet….? We started with, You! How can you love someone else until you love yourself unconditionally however you are.  So I invite you during this next week when you find that you are letting your chattering monkey get away, stop yourself and ask,”Where are my feet?” then. “Who takes care of me the best?” YOU! You are the only who can know you the best!


I will write more on this topic in my next “Who of You”.  Again Who is your most passionate partner?…. You?


Love and Pink Light
