Sarah hamilton's Blog

This is where you'll find my musings on Gratitude, Inspiration, Stillness and Awe…. "Transform your thoughts, transform your life"

A Week Ago Today… March 13, 2013

HandA week ago today I had a torn tendon in my hand repaired.  With every thing that has happened in my life I am reminded regularly of allowing and patience.  The Universe asks me to walk the talk.  I think of myself as a patient person.  I’m often even told on a regular basis that I”m SO patient.  That said I’m regularly tested on this front.  Whether I plan a phone call to discuss an important issue and the person is out of town or I have ordered a time sensitive package and it is late or  traffic is crazy and I think I will be late (notice these are time related for me?).  It could be any or all of these scenarios.  I’m not even going to bring in the health issues that can occur.  I regularly write, coach or talk about allowing. Even saying this word gives me peace.

The Webster definition of Allow is:  1. admit (an event or activity) as legal or acceptable  2. give the necessary time or opportunity for.  “Give the necessary time or opportunity for”,  This is my favorite part of the definition.  When buttons are pushed as they can happen even to the best of us.  How do you return to the start of allowing?  Where you don’t struggle or fight with your given circumstances?  I am a Huge fan of breath… for more reasons than the obvious.  It helps us to return to our natural state of loving.  Loving of self and others.  It centers us.  The breath is a mini meditation. The ability to stay in this state is a bit like being a child.  Most children are very allowing because they have yet to learn their ability to control their surroundings.  They trust.  Ah trust…. So much of what gets in our way is our inability to trust.  If we stay in a state of allowing the trust comes more effortlessly.  Now I don’t mean allow others to do to you anything they choose but allow life to have its grace and kindness that we all seek.

What will you do today to allow (without getting hand surgery)?  To remain at peace with yourself?  How will you stay connected to your breath?

Lots of Love!



What are you Gr8ful 4? November 29, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — sarahhamiltoncoaching @ 12:36 PM
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A few years ago I did a Gratitude Experiment for a month and blogged about it…. And you know what I miss it. The intensity of it…

I’ve kept a Gratitude Journal for well over a decade now and I have always found myself to be a very Gr8ful human but I got to wondering…. What would be different if I stated my gratitude not only throughout the day but out loud so that others heard me.  Well I found out a few very powerful things:

  • It immediately pulls you into the moment and quiets the chattering monkey and the gremlins.  It allows you to hear your own authentic voice.
  • By sharing with others what they are Gr8ful for we energetically hold their and your intentions at a higher more healthy level for Gratitude to grow.
  • Hence the more you find to be Gr8ful for, the more you have to be Gr8ful for!

This month-long experiment was amazing! So what was an experiment, became be part of my everyday life.   Here are the 5 things I am Gr8ful 4, for today!

Today I’m Gr8ful 4:

  1. Beautiful delicious Sunshine!
  2. My scrumptious Boyfriend!
  3. Knitting for others!
  4. Organic and Locally made Nubian Heritage Shea Butter
  5. Chinese Herbs

I invite you to join me! Start telling me what you are Gr8ful 4 and see what shows up in your life. Tweet it, Facebook it or simply comment here.  I’d LOVE to know and share in this journey with you.


Lots of Love!



Allowing…. November 26, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — sarahhamiltoncoaching @ 10:05 AM
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I think of myself as a patient person.  I’m often even told on a regular basis that I”m SO patient.  That said I’m regularly tested on this front.  Whether I plan a phone call to discuss an important issue and the person is out of town or I have ordered a time sensitive package and it is late or  traffic is crazy and I think I will be late (notice these are time related for me?).  It could be any or all of these scenarios.  I’m not even going to bring in the health issues that can occur.  I regularly write, coach or talk about allowing. Even saying this word gives me peace.

The Webster definition of Allow is:  1. admit (an event or activity) as legal or acceptable  2. give the necessary time or opportunity for.  “Give the necessary time or opportunity for”,  This is my favorite part of the definition.  When buttons are pushed as they can happen even to the best of us.  How do you return to the start of allowing?  Where you don’t struggle or fight with your given circumstances?  I am a Huge fan of breath… for more reasons than the obvious.  It helps us to return to our natural state of loving.  Loving of self and others.  It centers us.  The breath is a mini meditation. The ability to stay in this state is a bit like being a child.  Most children are very allowing because they have yet to learn their ability to control their surroundings.  They trust.  Ah trust…. So much of what gets in our way is our inability to trust.  If we stay in a state of allowing the trust comes more effortlessly.  Now I don’t mean allow others to do to you anything they choose but allow life to have its grace and kindness that we all seek.


What will you do today to allow?  To remain at peace with yourself?  How will you stay connected to your breath?


Lots of Love!



Being Thankful… September 21, 2012

My summer view!


I wrote the following except during the summer but never posted it.  On the first day of Autumn when the world (or at least my part of the world) begins to forage for the coming months and things begin to slow down I cherish the warmth of summer. How do you enjoy the seasons and time as the weather changes…. What does it mean to you?

“Every now and then I have a day that is simply divine and I do mean divine.  You know the kind of day that takes your breath away.  I have spent the last 48 hours sitting in the sun, swimming, eating amazing food, playing with my boyfriends daughter (a gift in and of itself), driving gorgeous roads and playing with my boyfriend too.  The sound track was also just as spectacular: birds, frogs, roosters, frogs jumping in the pool, woodpeckers, birds flying by to take a dip in the pool, bumble-bees and dragon flies.  Did I mention frogs? All of this was a visual feast as well… I have 2 words for you: Humming birds!

All this said it comes down to that I’m so thankful for such an absolutely amazing couple of days that were shared with me.”


My summer was spectacular so I’m looking forward to what life will bring in the coming months!






Happy New Year!! December 31, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — sarahhamiltoncoaching @ 4:05 PM
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As the evening descends and we begin to think of the year that has passed be it spectacular or not or maybe even in between; I invite you to sit in the peace of the moment and reflect on the beauty of what has been.

Now I invite you to find 3 things to be grateful for…..

Now find 3 more things…..

Now 3 more….

Now I invite you to take a deep cleansing breath and take these marvelous gifts into the New Year because if you are able to find things to be Grateful for there will be more to be Grateful for!!!


Happy Abundant New Year!!

Love and Light!!



Gr8ful 4…. March 22, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — sarahhamiltoncoaching @ 9:49 AM
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  • This weekend was a Spectacular weekend in NYC!! The sun was shining and the crocus’ were growing and the warmth finally descended upon us.  So for that I am profoundly Gr8ful today!

The first bud from my Spring Garden!

  • Which in turn has given me the motivation to move forward with some business!
  • Lounging in this morning & listening to the rain in the garden!
  • Finding new options and choices for my new site!!


What are you Gr8ful 4? March 18, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — sarahhamiltoncoaching @ 9:59 AM

Back in November I started a Gratitude Experiment for a month and blogged about it…. And you know what I miss it.

I’ve kept a Gratitude Journal for over a decade now and I have always found myself to be a very Gr8ful human but I got to wondering…. What would be different if I stated my gratitude not only throughout the day but out loud so that others heard me.  Well I found out a few very powerful things:

  • It immediately pulls you into the moment and quiets the chattering monkey and the gremlins.  It allows you to hear your own authentic voice.
  • By sharing with others what they are Gr8ful for we energetically hold their and your intentions at a higher more healthy level for Gratitude to grow.
  • Hence the more you find to be Gr8ful for, the more you have to be Gr8ful for!

This month-long experiment was amazing! So what was an experiment, is now going to be part of my everyday life.   Here are the 5 things I am Gr8ful 4, for today!

Today I’m Gr8ful 4:

  1. Beautiful delicious Sunshine!
  2. A cranberry scone from Once Upon a Tart
  3. Clearing away things and taking them to Good Will (Check Out yesterday’s )
  4. Organic and Locally made Nubian Heritage Shea Butter
  5. Chinese Herbs

I invite you to join me! Start telling me what you are Gr8ful 4 and see what shows up in your life. Tweet it, Facebook it or simply comment here.  I’d LOVE to know and share in this journey with you.