Sarah hamilton's Blog

This is where you'll find my musings on Gratitude, Inspiration, Stillness and Awe…. "Transform your thoughts, transform your life"

Choosing Your Thoughts! February 29, 2012

A regular topic I have with my clients is: Where do these actions/thoughts stem from, Love or Fear? Often times we allow are fear to get in the way of true inner love.  As a coach I learned that thoughts become feelings become actions become results! Our thoughts create everything in our lives, from being able to stay in the moment to what we attract in our lives.  I am a huge fan of don Miguel Ruiz and he states in “The 4 Agreements”

Agreement 1-

Be impeccable with your word – Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. (I love this one!)

Agreement 2-

Don’t take anything personally – Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

Agreement 3-

Don’t make assumptions – Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

Agreement 4

Always do your best – Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.

If we are conscious of these four agreements what we attract towards ourselves is much more conscious!




Staying in the Moment… February 26, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — sarahhamiltoncoaching @ 1:25 PM
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As I wrote the other day the 2 main contributors to a relationships success are when you love yourself unconditionally and when you have the ability to stay in the moment.  These are the 2 main relationship issues that can catch us up, if they are not being acknowledged . When you notice that you are stuck in an unhealthy pattern, it tends to be one or both of my 2 theories that aren’t being acknowledged. So then you can ask yourself, if any of the “10 Steps” (explained in my up coming e-book) aren’t being observed. So then you can come back to love and step away from fear and breathe into the moment.

Through your breath and centering you can instantly bring yourself back into the “now” but fear immediately takes us out of it.  When we get ahead of ourselves we can’t stay present with our partner. And if we haven’t made peace with the past or fear the future we bring ALL of it into the room and relationship with us. Learn to be objectively detached and how to stay out of your partners “emotional stuff”. Staying objectively attached means, not jumping into what they’re feeling and staying with your own. Know that what your partner is feeling has nothing to do with you… Which means that the origin of the pain supersedes you at this moment. “When you realize that what you react to in others is also in you (and sometimes only in you) you begin to become aware of your own ego. At that stage, you may also realize that you were doing to others what you thought others were doing to you. You cease seeing yourself as a victim.”Eckhart Tolle This is made easier when you see your partner through your place of non-judgment.

I know that this can be easier said than done but it’s truly amazing how much a deep cleansing breath can aid us in this opportunity!

Love and Pink Light!





What are the 2 main contributors to a relationships success! February 24, 2012

It has taken me a long time to get to this point in relationships…  Like every woman I have had my fair share of learning situations.  I have had some great and some not so great but I have been blessed to take away some wonderful little nuggets of learning from every partnering.  I have had everything from the boyfriend who cheated so atrociously that he had a child and even married another woman while we were together. To what I have now… each day is so wonderful that I am left breathless by his soulful generosity to everyone… I love that I have taken every opportunity to learn something of what I have wanted verses focusing on the “bad” and in turn creating an obstacle in my path. Nothing could be better than learning how to love myself more and more with each opportunity.  Knowing that what I am feeling is valuable yet Everyone learns and communicates differently and figuring out how your partner does that is so important in the longevity of a relationship. All the while not forgetting the love you have for yourself.  I can’t stress enough that the love of your life starts with you!

What are the 2 main contributors to a relationships success?  It’s when you love yourself unconditionally and when you have the ability to stay in the moment.  These are the 2 main relationship issues that can catch us up if they aren’t being acknowledged . When you notice that you are stuck in an unhealthy pattern, it tends to be one or both of these 2 theories that aren’t being supported. So then you can ask yourself, if any of the following of my 10 Steps aren’t being observed, So then you can come back to love and step away from fear and breathe into the moment. Today I am only going to talk about the first tenant. You’ll have to get me E-book to read the rest!


1) Continue to foster the love for yourself. : By releasing judgment of yourself and others.

For when you can love yourself, flaws and all you can love your partner more completely for who they are. I think that a definition is in order, “to judge: [verb] to form an opinion or conclusion about.” That said a judgment is about a connection to the outcome, about making another person wrong and you correct. This now stated the question remains… How do you release judgment in order to allow things to be exactly what they are? One way might be to examine where the judgment comes from. What value is important to you that is being threatened? This can definitely all be a challenge but by looking at the 10 steps you are given an outline. As don Miguel Ruiz states , ”The real us is pure love; we are Life”


Love and Pink Light




What is a heart centered relationship? February 21, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — sarahhamiltoncoaching @ 10:50 AM
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A heart-centered relationship takes time and takes self-reflection.  It is a relationship that is centered in love and not fear.  As don Miguel Ruiz states, ”The real us is pure love; we are Life” When a person is living life from a center of love their whole world reflects that.  It’s taken me a long time to get to this point in relationships…  Like every woman I have had my fair share of learning situations.  I’ve had some great and some not so great but I have been blessed to take away some wonderful little nuggets of learning from every partnering.  I’ve had everything from the boyfriend who cheated so atrociously that he had a child and even married another woman while we were together. To what I have now… each day is so wonderful that I am left breathless by his soulful generosity to everyone. I love that I have taken every opportunity to learn something of what I have wanted verses focusing on the “bad” and in turn creating an obstacle in my path. Nothing could be better than learning how to love myself more and more with each opportunity.  Knowing that what I am feeling is valuable and knowing that whatever happens around you to not take it personally… Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves. Yet, Everyone learns and communicates differently and figuring out how your partner does that is so important in the longevity of a relationship. All the while not forgetting the love you have for yourself.  I can’t stress enough that the love of your life starts with you!