Sarah hamilton's Blog

This is where you'll find my musings on Gratitude, Inspiration, Stillness and Awe…. "Transform your thoughts, transform your life"

What’s my opportunity here? March 20, 2013

sky 002 (2)I posted this blog post a few years ago but I thought it was very relevant for today.  Finding opportunities where one might see an obstacle takes work.  Like exercise staying positive is a daily choice….. So here’s the post!

In the last week or so the topic of seeing opportunities were there are obstacles has been a common thread in many of my discussions whether with clients, friends or even myself.  I have been dealing with some back problems…. knowing full well the connection to running a business and my lower back…. but as I lie here on my back I ask myself, What is my opportunity?  And it is so clear… Slow down and the number one thing… Be gentle.  Be kind. We all have obstacles that come up whether they are work related, relationship related or pretty much anything you can see but instead of getting stuck in the quagmire of the conflict ask yourself, What’s my opportunity?   We are always given the chance to learn and grow and the possibilities that come from the openness of a positive outcome far out reach the unhealthy mindset of getting stuck in the problem.

Case in point, I have what we think is a pinched nerve in my back… not a herniated disc but more than a pinched nerve.  (It turned out to be an extruded disc and i had surgery) That being said I’m on my back most of the day.  Now for a woman who is EXTREMELY active this could be not such a good thing… I chose to see my opportunity because we always get more of what we focus on. And I for one am not focusing on the obstacle!

So I ask you Where might you be seeing obstacles and can reframe them into Opportunities?




A Week Ago Today… March 13, 2013

HandA week ago today I had a torn tendon in my hand repaired.  With every thing that has happened in my life I am reminded regularly of allowing and patience.  The Universe asks me to walk the talk.  I think of myself as a patient person.  I’m often even told on a regular basis that I”m SO patient.  That said I’m regularly tested on this front.  Whether I plan a phone call to discuss an important issue and the person is out of town or I have ordered a time sensitive package and it is late or  traffic is crazy and I think I will be late (notice these are time related for me?).  It could be any or all of these scenarios.  I’m not even going to bring in the health issues that can occur.  I regularly write, coach or talk about allowing. Even saying this word gives me peace.

The Webster definition of Allow is:  1. admit (an event or activity) as legal or acceptable  2. give the necessary time or opportunity for.  “Give the necessary time or opportunity for”,  This is my favorite part of the definition.  When buttons are pushed as they can happen even to the best of us.  How do you return to the start of allowing?  Where you don’t struggle or fight with your given circumstances?  I am a Huge fan of breath… for more reasons than the obvious.  It helps us to return to our natural state of loving.  Loving of self and others.  It centers us.  The breath is a mini meditation. The ability to stay in this state is a bit like being a child.  Most children are very allowing because they have yet to learn their ability to control their surroundings.  They trust.  Ah trust…. So much of what gets in our way is our inability to trust.  If we stay in a state of allowing the trust comes more effortlessly.  Now I don’t mean allow others to do to you anything they choose but allow life to have its grace and kindness that we all seek.

What will you do today to allow (without getting hand surgery)?  To remain at peace with yourself?  How will you stay connected to your breath?

Lots of Love!