Sarah hamilton's Blog

This is where you'll find my musings on Gratitude, Inspiration, Stillness and Awe…. "Transform your thoughts, transform your life"

Chronic Pain… March 17, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — sarahhamiltoncoaching @ 10:25 AM
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imagesI started getting migraines in my mid 20’s.  They were never very bad until I hit my mid 30’s.  When they stared to get atrocious.  I tried everything: diet, reiki, massage, meditation, acupuncture and then finally meds.  Now I consistently use diet, meditation, meds and acupuncture.  (btw I use all of this for dealing with my MS, post back surgeries and during my cancer treatment as well) All this said I have a story to tell you.

When I was first diagnosed with MS I had a neurologist say to me, “If you had diarrhea would you tell everyone?” My response was a loud laugh and an emphatic “No!”  He then said, “If you did everyone one would have the thing that would heal/help you.  Or they had it or they know someone who had it.  All of this is done before you have a chance to figure out exactly how you want to handle it.”  This really struck home for me. So with every diagnosis I have had I have taken awhile to process before I let people know.

I then wasn’t prepared for what people said to me or how they said it.  So I realized that there were 2 different things going on.  1) All of these people were coming from a place of loving me and only wanting the best for me.  So they felt that they had information for me that could possibly help.  This gave me the capabilities to step back and not get wrapped up in the thought that they believed I was doing something wrong.  2)  I also had to look at how I was communicating.  What was I responsible for in this dance.  Was I very vocal… Was I coming from a place of looking for answers?  How I show up is how people respond to me.  There can be a lot of shoulds piled on when people feel they are coming from a place of help.  Be accountable.  Take responsibility for how you are and then go to radical acceptance of yourself and those around you.

So I’m currently hearing a lot of people telling me to do try acupuncture for my migraines which have increased in their frequency if that’s even possible… I have received acupuncture for many years now and LOVE it! So I am reminded that people only want the best for me.  They want to see me well and pain free.  As do I.  They love this health care option as much as I do!  That is what I choose to focus on.  The joint love we all have for being well.


